My goal is to post the “Top Ten Good News Items from Texas This Week” each week. This maybe a pipe dream, that 10 good things will happen each week.  In Texas no less. After sitting down, on Friday the 13th, to cull the good news from the internet, I was interrupted almost immediately. One of my favorite Political Activists was live on social media.

My friend is in DC this weekend attending the PCCC / Our Revolution Candidate Training. I, of course, dropped everything and clicked on the link. I heard her report that our executive branch of our United States Government had teamed up with allies from the UK and France to initiate a bombing in Syria. This retaliatory action seemed an act of war. It was daunting to hear the real time announcement as interpreted from a citizen. The major news outlets had only three minutes before reported the President’s announcement of the allied strike.

Needless to say, I was at once rapt and distracted. Rapt in the news and distracted from my work. I dropped my research and grabbed a drink. Isn’t that the right reaction for what, in that moment specifically, smacked of the start of World War III? After spending 30 straight minutes clicking and reading, posting and sharing on Facebook and Twitter, and pouring another, my wife suggested I should stop. Not stop drinking. She wanted me to stop staring at my computer, swearing, and gasping. She sees this attachment to “news” as wasted energy.

I didn’t agree with her that staying informed about our national affairs as “wasted energy.” I did agree that I don’t have any power in the situation and so I promised to stop clicking, and posting, and obsessing. And she promised to make more drinks.

Flash forward to 45 minutes later in my buildings Game Room shooting an endless game of 8 ball.

My mind raced. It got stuck where it often has the last few weeks. My birthday is drawing near. Yup. Please note this is not an easy one. I am turning 50. Milestone birthdays will often inspire some thoughtful retrospective. Check in next week for some good news in Texas.

In the meantime, here is my turning 50 facts for me Top Ten List.

#10.       All the things the boomers said would happen when you turn 40, has now come to fruition.

#9.          I absolutely need reading glasses. (Like seriously, even on my phone and yes, it is the largest font.)

#8.          I don’t heal like I used to.

#7.          My body hurts every morning. (who am I kidding…my body hurts all the time.)

#6           I should have been saving money.

#5.          I am sorry Generation X couldn’t fend off the systems and issues that have led us to this time. For the record, it all started downhill for workers, the poor and the middle class over 40 years ago. Point of Privilege. I was only 10 at the time.

#4.          I am sorry for my obsession throughout my lifetime with slave made things. (i.e. clothing, electronics, household knick knacks and well just about everything else I buy.)

#3.          I should have kept my Thriller album in its wrapper. (Actually, I probably should have kept my Thriller album.)

#2.          I am not too tired to fight or too uneducated to know what and how to fight for better.

#1.          I am ready for what comes next.


















